+91 94071 78909    24-A, Nanak Nagar, Pipliya Rao, Indore 452012

Player Registration

If you have already created a password using your email address, click the button below to log in and complete your profile.

Read and follow these simple steps to complete your registration.

Required Details

Details to be filled

Full Name

Enter your full name exactly as it appears on your documents, without any prefixes such as Mr., Ms., etc.

For example, if your name is "Agaram Subbarayalu Reddiar," then do not shorten it to "Agaram S. R.," "A. Subbarayalu Reddiar," or "Subbarayalu."

E-mail Address

Only enter your or a family member's correct email address.

Avoid common typing mistakes such as "gamil.com," "gimail.com," "email.com," etc.

If you made a mistake in your e-mail address then, complete the below Step 1 and then send us a message including all your details by clicking here.


Create a password of at least 8 characters that is easy for you to remember.

Re-type your password

Type the same password and then click on Register

Step 1: Personal Information

Required Details

Details to be filled

Full Name

Enter your full name exactly as it appears on your documents, without any prefixes such as Mr., Ms., etc.

Mobile No.

Only enter your or a family member's correct email address.

Avoid common typing mistakes such as "gamil.com," "gimail.com," "email.com," etc.


Your Date of Birth


Enter the same e-mail address you used while creating the password.

Avoid common typing mistakes such as "gamil.com," "gimail.com," "email.com," etc.

Father's Name

Same as per your documents without any prefixes such as Mr., Sh., Late., etc.

Mother's Name

Same as per your documents without any prefixes such as Mrs., Late., Ms., Smt., etc.

Aadhar Number

Correct 12-digit Aadhar number without any typing mistakes.

Passport Number

Correct 8-digit passport number without any typing mistakes.

Leave it blank if you do not have a passport.


Select the State/UT Handball Association you wish to represent in the championship.

Do not select the venue of championship in this column.


Select any, according to your age.

Step 2: Contact Information

Required Details

Details to be filled

Permanent Address

Permanent Address


Enter your state of Permanent Address


District name

Zip Code

6-digit Pin Code or Postal Code

Address Line 1

Enter House No., Street No, Area, Village Name here.

Do not enter District, State or Pin Code here.

Address Line 2

Leave it blank if not required. Avoid repeating any details already provided above.

Communication Address

Present or Correspondence Address

If it is same as permanent address then click the small check button.

If it is different then the Permanent Address then fill as per the instructions above.

Step 3: Document Upload

Documents Required

Documents to be uploaded

Max file size: 3MB

File Types: .jpg .png .pdf


Upload passport size photograph in single colour background, cropped to its borders, without any flash light spot on it.

ID Proof*

For students: Upload School/College ID

For working: Both front and back side of either of Aadhar Card or Driving Licence or Voter ID

For SSCB & RSPB: Upload your organisation's Govt. issued ID Card

DOB Proof*

Only Birth certificate issued by competent authority

Address Proof*

Both front and back side of either of Aadhar Card or Driving Licence or Voter ID


If you do not have a passport, leave it blank.

If you have, then upload both the front and back sides of the passport.

Important Notes:

  1. It is mandatory to upload both the front and back sides of your Aadhar Card, either as ID Proof or as Address Proof. Registration will not be successful without uploading the Aadhar Card.
  2. All documents and the photograph must be cropped to their borders before uploading.
  3. Do not upload password protected documents.
  4. If you find any error at any stage, then logout and login again.

Photo Specifications

Shadow not allowed
Busy background not allowed
Wrong rotated photo
Too far in frame

Documents Specifications

Document not properly cropped
Document not properly cropped
Not cropped and sanned properly
Rotated on the left not acceptable
Low resolution text not visible
Not scanned fully and properly

Step 4: Wait for approval and fee payment

  1. After uploading the documents, please wait for Admin approval. Typically, a decision on the application is made within 12 working hours, but it may take up to a maximum of 24 working hours or more. Working hours are from 09:00 to 17:00, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
  2. Login and check the status of your application at regular intervals until you get the approval.
  3. In some cases, applications may be rejected. If this happens, the reason for rejection will be provided and will be visible on the screen after you log into your profile.
  4. Pay the online fee only after the approval.

Click on the button below to register as a player.

If you are facing any problems in the registration, then click here.

Send us a message by clicking here, if you have any questions or issues in registration. Send us your following details in the message: Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Aadhar Number, State, Phone number, and details of your problem along the screenshot.

Send us a message by clicking here.

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Handball Federation of India

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Website last updated on 25 Jan 2025 at 18:36 hrs.
Copyright © 2024 Handball Federation of India, Rohtak

All Rights Reserved